Terms of Use

Red Thread Productions, LLC (“the School,”“Elisha Celeste,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) welcomes you. We invite you to access and use our websites, including, without limitation, schoolforlivingscience.com, kinetix.academy, elishaceleste.com, and thehumanfreedomproject.com (the “Websites”).

We provide visitors access to the Websites subject to the following Terms of Use, which may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. By browsing the public areas or by accessing and using the Websites, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be contractually bound by these Terms of Use, which hereby incorporated constitutes a private and binding agreement. If you do not agree to any of these terms, then please do not use the Websites.

The School for Living Science is a private membership association. By using this website or joining as a member, you will initiate a binding contract of trust and responsibility with us, as follows:

The School for Living Science ("the School") is to be an association of people whose will it is to advance healing and freedom, both in the individual and in human society, through the scientific study of living phenomena.

Trust and Mutual Responsibility
We believe self trust and mutual responsibility are the bedrock of a healthy society. We envision a world where we - as members of society - trust ourselves to speak honestly and openly with each other; to be generous and curious when we disagree; to bear responsibility for our impact on each other and this planet; and to resolve conflicts with forthright courage. You agree to take responsibility for your decisions, actions and any outcomes of your actions - positive or adverse - and we agree to do the same.


You can opt out of email subscriptions by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email sent to you from this website and any/all affiliated websites managed by Elisha Celeste. If you need help, you can reach out to info@elishaceleste.com

You may close your member account at any time by going to Account Settings and disabling your account, or by emailing hello@schoolforlivingscience.com.

The School may terminate your account if you violate the terms of use. If you wish to challenge a termination or believe there has been a mistake, you must email hello@schoolforlivingscience.com

Restrictions On Use
You may use this site and all associated sites, membership platforms and course spaces only for purposes expressly permitted by this site. You may not use this site for any other purpose, including any commercial purpose, without the School's express prior written consent. By joining the School as a member, you acknowledge that you are in your own right and private capacity as a man/woman and not as an agent or representative of any government or non-government agency or organization whose purpose is to enforce a legal code, act or statute where no man or woman has been harmed, or to carry out any mission of entrapment or investigation. You understand that this will be considered to be trespass by way of battery and that you will become immediately liable to pay compensation under this agreement, in the amount of $10,000,000 USD.

Voluntary risk
We are NOT here to provide you with advice or personalized recommendations. Our commitment is to provide spaces where learning and growth can happen through exploration, open dialogue and intentional risk taking entered into voluntarily by each individual. Please question everything we say and do your own research. We trust you to find what works for you and to discard what doesn’t. By joining our member only spaces you agree that you are of sound mind and capable of making responsible decisions. If you decide to use or apply any of the information discovered within the membership or any of its spaces, you agree to hold yourself solely responsible for the outcomes of those decisions.

Dispute Resolution
Should a dispute arise between you and us for any reason - financial or otherwise - you agree to resolve such conflict with us privately, in a timely and responsible manner, and to keep all disputes out of the public legal system. We agree to do the same. If the dispute cannot be settled through private negotiation between us, the parties agree to try in good faith to settle the dispute by private mediation administered by Peacemaker Equity under the Peacemaker Equity Rules before resorting to private arbitration.